Mortice Deadlocks
Mortice Sash Locks
2 & 3 Lever Mortice Lock
Fire Brigade Deadlocks, Rim & Slam Locks
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Legge Five Lever Mortice Locks
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Legge 5 Lever Deadlock (BS3621:2007)
Legges top of the range deadlock. Complying with all requirements to meet insurance and police approval, this lock is manufactured to the highest standards and after extensive use we have found it to be superb in both terms of security and durability.

Legge 5 Lever Sashlock (BS3621:2007)
This is Legges top of the range British Standard sashlock. It complies with all requirements to meet insurance / police approval and we've found it to perform superbly in the field in terms of both durability and performance.