Easily replaces Union 3 lever sashlocks with a deadlock only.
Offers 1 key to work all the locks with individual keys for each.
Dead Bolt - Brass, with hardened steel inserts.
Keys. Steel. Nickel plated. Two supplied.
Supplied with satin or brass face plate.
Available in 2 different masterkey suites.
Not Suppied with any Masterkeys - These can be purchased separately below.
Keys Supplied:
per lock
(unless ordering multiple groups)
Additional Keys are available below
When ordering multiple Keyed Alike locks, only 1 set of keys are provided as all additional locks are made to work from that key.
If ordering 4 or more keyed alike locks you can have them set up as different groups.
If Required: Let us know the details in the "Specific Key Requirements" field above.
Each group of locks will then receive 2 keys.