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  • Completely uncuttable / uncopyable key = Best key restriction on the planet as uses AES-256-bit end to end encryption.
  • Complete Access control over all locks and keys
  • 1 Key works all locks and cylinders and additional locks can be added later to the system
  • The administrator has complete control from App or Internet account to add / remove users remotely ( so no need to visit the site to alter the lock) - Permissions are updated to the lock from the keys.
  • Power is given to the lock from the Key and keys can easily be charged from USB cable. Keys hold charge for 3 -4 months with normal use.
  • The lock, not the key or the smart phone makes the unlocking decision. This means any lost keys are worthless as they hold no data to copy etc… so stolen keys when deleted from the system have no data or information stored.
  • Multifunction LED on key clearly indicates successful use or failed access but also has a low charge indicator.
  • Made in Britain for top quality craftsmanship and design.